Fuck your Metaverse and fuck your tokens

Man I am sick of hearing about this shit. I do think the metaverse is inevitable (and I am stoked for it) but the way everyone is talking about it is all wrong. Why buy things in the metaverse? Firstly let's talk about real estate. places like Metaverse Properties have begun brokering real estate deals in people's various platforms. This is stupid for three reasons. Being in a space in the real world has value for a number of reasons. You'll have a presence that people can see from the street. People will see you exist getting dog-food, on their commutes or hanging out downtown on late nights. You could be next to other cool businesses or locations and the cross-polination of foot traffic could benefit you both. Lastly the exclusivity of space that means your competitor can't inhabit that spot. In existing metaverse type platforms it operates far more like a game than real life. If you want to go someplace you open up a search bar, type the place you wanna go, select it from a list, and teleport there. There is no foot traffic, because every loaded instance is squirreled away into its own server. If you put everyones stuff onto one server so there would be foot traffic, and you don't allow free teleportation all the time, people won't want to use it. Congrats you've made an experience worse than browsing the web! Not to mention the average hardware of the user. Your "neighbors" or who you are nearby in your big persistant world, will probably get culled to fit in memory. Me shopping online isn't made more rich by being able to see a different store in another browser. Lastly, we are talking about something that is fundamentally a game world. Geometry doesn't even have to be euclidian. You can go through a door in someone's basement and come out on top of Mt.Everest, or Saturn's rings. The idea that real estate has value in a world where space can overlap, and everyone can teleport is ludicrous. Selling avatar items so you can look cool, made by creators is also bunk. I am not against artists getting paid, but what's to stop piracy on this new frontier? I can still right click on somebodies dumbass laser monkey and save it to my hard drive, why would there not be libraries of pirated hats and t-shirts that I could go and download for free? Are NFT bros the new Metallica waiting for their Napster?
Platforms are not a metaverse. Meta already tried making their own in Horizons and it flopped. The technologies you support in an application make you more or less "in" the metaverse. If you can allow users to come with their own hardware, with their own avatars, you have more support for the tech already out there. Things like VRoid, and ReadyPlayer.Me are free (microtransaction optional) tools that allow you to easily make custom 3D, full-body avatars for use in VRchat and Mozilla Hubs. Unless you have compelling enough functionality to make people reinvent themselves on your platform, it's probably not gonna happen. Conclusion! Put your energy into open standards, that the most people can access. You can make a virtual environment right now, that people can access on their phones, Desktops, and in VR for free. You could make it about your business, or your favorite band, or puppies. You can make buildings, display images, youtube videos, voice and video call, and link to other cool rooms or webpages. In fact the tech is so cool that people have been taking this open source project, ripping it off wholesale and boxing it up as an "enterprise business solution." Maybe we could just, like, give money to open source projects. Instead of ripping off passionate individuals, waiting the projects to implode, get bought out, or get to be so good that they can't be ignored like blender. I WILL COPY PASTE YOUR HAT JUST FUCKING WATCH ME. I will dismiss your metaverse platform if it doesn't have any of the following: Avatars with Legs Open standards for custom content Ways to link out of your platform


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