Warframe is Silly

I feel like the dev's have created a basket of gameplay with no idea what the challenges for endgame are. They made a raid and PVP which is great, but this game has evolved and grown so much from when it started, I feel like you aren't playing ninjas anymore. Compare the beta, which was pretty much runny jumpy slidey action action, running past enemies, to where we are now, which is an extermination squad.

People complain about not being able to take damage. So and so is "made out of tissue paper." Try not getting shot? It moved the combat decisions from really nitty gritty technical decisions, to more dynasty warriors, 'how do I combo the biggest crowd of dudes' type problems.

This is the power creep, the power creep is real.

At one point they were seriously considering taking out serration. Which in my opinion would have been the best move to make. What this means is that the all guns would be balanced against eachother damage wise, forever, end of discussion. you could change the types of damage they do, but not inflate that base number.

In Killing Floor 2 they pulled this off. Your damage scales a bit, so your guns feel more and more powerful over time, but the enemies don't gain health to match your damage. Instead as the difficulty increases they gain moves, and abilities they didn't before. This increases the challenge in an interesting way rather than a numerical way.

The Mass Effect three multiplayer only sorta delivered on this. All the enemies got tougher as you gained more damage, and they rolled in more of the more mechanically interesting mobs at higher tier. Then you hit Platinum difficulty, wherein the enemy types drew from every faction, making the play as diverse as possible.

Everybody hated Nullifiers when they came out. It's an enemy type that shields themselves and their nearby allies from your abilities and the effects of your abilities. Every time you plink their shield with a weapon it shrinks slightly until it disappears. The amount it shrinks isn't based on damage, just the number of times it is hit. It makes you interact with that enemy in a way unlike any other enemy in Warframe. Because of that I think the devs succeeded. They made gameplay more interesting.

It was more rewarding to finish a level when making it to the end was the goal, rather than killing everyone for their drops. Administering the proper application of force, was incredibly rewarding. You had a toolbox, a bag of tricks, and deciding how much to use where and when so you could get to the end of the mission, was incredibly rewarding. Stamina, Energy, and Ammo were your golden three. Things like Energy Siphon which gives everyone in your squad a trickle of energy, cheapen those decisions, and make them less relevant. Streamline, which makes things cost less, also takes away from the weight of your choices. Ammo pickups, and ammo mutation mods which give you all the ammo you could ever shoot and more takes away the importance of a well placed shot.

I don't care what I am shooting, or zapping, or setting on fire.

The How is the meat of it.


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