GTS 001 - Quarantine Alpha
Quarantine Alpha Evocation Get a piece of the biggest psychic mushroom’s brain to try and obfuscate thought energy. Caves that wrap around the surface of an immobile asteroid. Myconids Setting: A lavender asteroid coated in a deep orange fungal growth. The asteroid is stationary relative to the solar system. It is close enough to the sun that it should have fallen into the sun a long time ago. Deep craters intersect a network of tunnels beneath the surface and serve as massive skylights and windows out to the blackness of space. The spherical nature of the asteroid is represented by an unwrapped icosahedron with a hexagonal grid. Each face is a triangle, and has three tunnels off to adjacent rooms. The party teleports into the largest cave that perforates this asteroid. A five foot hollow brass sphere carved with swirling patterns lays motionless in a cradle made of carved stone and metal plates. Through the many swirling slashes in the surface a single rod can be found suspend...