
Showing posts from August, 2017

VR Eugene - Order of Operations

Every week I get to watch people dive into Virtual Reality for the first time. I strap in first timers, and regulars so they can immerse themselves in whatever experience they wish. I thought I would share my order of operations and my basic script for getting people situated. 1.) Get your kit together. I usually put my non-dominant arm through the headstraps of the Vive. This lets you put the headphones higher up at your elbow, and hold the controllers in your hands. Loosen the head straps to accommodate for people with large skulls. 2.) Controls. Secure the safety loop on their dominant hand, before placing it in their grasp. When they hold one controller and you hold the other ask them to "Take note: there is a trigger on the underside and a thumb pad on the top." You can point to the controller that you hold, while they follow along on the one they have. Most games use these controls but indicate the menu, system, and grip buttons anyway just in case. Also now is a ...

BoidWatch Game Trailer coming September First!

Hey y'all! I am really proud to share with you a trailer for my upcoming game, BoidWatch! A game wherein you watch, explode, manipulate and modify members of a flock simulation.