
Showing posts from April, 2012


I am excited. There are many reasons. Story telling has never before seen such a potential for empathy. Video games succeed as an art form when they show you a world, and the choices you make, are the ones that a person in that situation would make. The bard would have you know that the task of a story teller, is to set your words adrift upon the ocean of interpretation. You check them for leaks and reinforce the hull, so that they can be heard and sail through storms of apathy and ambiguity. We now can create worlds. People can then enter the craft, see things that we show them and engage like a person would. Not only that we can assign character to the persona they inhabit. Mass Effect takes this and hits the ground running. You are the hero, Commander Sheppard. The how is left to you, and has lead to the idiom regarding "Your Shepard," or "My Shepard." The differences in how people achieve the same goals within the story add to its intricacy, and carry clou...

Youtube banned.

If an entire country decided to ban YouTube, good for them. I kind of liked the effort necessary to talk to someone about ideas, rather than sending them adrift in a sea of likes, fails, and lol ur gay's. (he said on his blog) While it is a useful tool for people partaking in civil disobedience, and the rating system helps raise things raise things that are popular, those things are rarely insightful. Youtube is a great place for talented people to share what they do, or people who are trying to make a point. I guess if you want the parkour, the dance, the speed painting, the spoken word, and the eco-blogs, you need the cats, the minecraft journals and the frag videos.