Looper: Time travel and Good Investments

I am not an economist. That said, in the movie Looper starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt, there is an interesting play to consider. People in the future, are sending gold to the past. This would make gold in the future, more scarce. For a time, there will be two pieces of the same gold existing at the same time. For people employed as Loopers this really sucks cause the price of gold will be going down noticeably. This would probably have to happen on a much larger scale to be substantial, but as far as downtrodden time travelers go, these guys get the short end of the stick. They get paid in gold that becomes worthless.

 If you began your contract significantly later, you could close your loop just before they start closing loops, and experience your gold being worth more. Being the first Looper to close his loop would suck, but being a thirty years in would be great from a financial standpoint. You would effectively sliding your A and B points down the timeline.


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